Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wii- The Perfect Gift

Gaming has gone to all new heights with the introduction of the Nintendo Wii. While this product has been on the market for awhile and is not really considered news anymore, the company is constantly adding new games and features.

Gift getting time is coming down to the wire but just in case you are like thousands of others who have not managed to finish yet here is a few words on the Nintendo Wii.

In the world of gaming you have three major competitors, Sony Playstation, Microsoft XBOX and the Nintendo Wii. All will have games that release specifically for their systems and a few different applications they are basically the same,except for the Wii.

You see both Sony and Microsoft have a gaming platform where you can play a wide variety of games both online and off and most games will release for both systems. Children can sit in front of either of these game platforms and play for hours. The key word in that sentence was SIT! No movement except in their little fingers and eyes, not exactly the most healthy scenario.

Enter Nintendo Wii the game system that gets kids up on their feet to play. Boxing games, bowling and a multitude of others all require little Johnny to get up and swing his arms in order to control the game. The innovation is in the Nintendo Wii controller, it senses movement and that movement is translated to the charecter on the screen.

Another great thing about this system is the Nintendo Wii Fit system. This is created for kids and parents alike as a way to get in shape and have fun while doing so. This system is fast selling out and from customer reviews you can see why. On Amazon there have been over 600 customer reviews, 579 of them gave the Nintendo Wii Fit a four out of five stars and the majority was five out of five.

Nintendo Wii has done what the other two cannot, created a system that does not compete! What that means is their idea is so different that people are buying a Nintendo Wii in addition to their other gaming system. Something you will rarely find Playstation or XBOX owners doing. The games are so similar with those two there is no need to purchase both.

Nintendo Wii has overcome the brand loyalty and created a new gaming audience, those who own two completely different systems!

If you have managed to get yourself or a loved one a Nintendo Wii for Christmas you might want to Click Here! This is a link to latest and greatest Nintendo Wii downloads available.