Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cell Phones and Insurance

If you have ever purchased a cell phone then you have been offered insurance for it. It sounds fairly reasonable, a few dollars a month for cell phone insurance and if anything goes wrong with your two hundred dollar cell phone then you are covered. Well maybe, there is this pesky little problem of a deductible you may have to pay.

It does not sound so bad to pay fifty dollars for a deductible on your cell phone insurance, however there are times when it may be ridiculous. Take our situation for example. My husband lost the back to his Razor V-3m cell phone. No big deal we will just run down to the cell phone retail outlet and pick one up. No, that would not be the case, because they do not carry them. You must get a completely new cell phone. Oh, well ok we have insurance that will be fine ahhh.... but we forgot about the deductible so now we can pay $50 to replace a perfectly good cell phone or have no battery cover!

We found another way, one of those decorative plastic covers is now covering the battery of my husbands Razor cell phone and the cell phone insurance we purchased was useless. It may be better to put the few dollars a month you pay for cellphone insurance in a savings account and just buy a cell phone should a problem arise. Just my opinion, you are free to take it or leave it.